
 Luke 1:76-79


“And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Highest;

For you will go before the face of the Lord to prepare His ways,


To give knowledge of salvation to His people

By the remission of their sins,


Through the tender mercy of our God,

With which the [a]Dayspring from on high [b]has visited us;


To give light to those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death,

To guide our feet into the way of peace.”

Sometimes we wait for something to happen, and it seems as if it never will. Sometimes we wait for something to happen and when it does, we’re not ready for it. I think about the words of Zacharias, father of John the Baptist as he finally spoke after being mute for 9 months because he did not believe the angel Gabriel’s words about Elizabeth’s pregnancy. I’m sure the news of his coming child made Zacharias eagerly wait for the day he could speak to everyone and tell them the great news he shared in this scripture. The Dayspring from on high (Jesus) visiting the Jews was something the Jews had waited for a long time. John would bring the people’s hearts to where they needed to be to hear the message of Jesus. But before that, there was that long wait for Zacharias, and a much longer wait for God’s people.

When Jesus came, they were not ready for Him. His own people did not receive him, and so few believed during His time on earth. Yet many were ready, like Zacharias, and rejoiced at His coming. In the same way, we need to be ready so that we don’t miss the opportunities God has promised us if we believe. Just like Zacharias, we often have to wait for God to answer our prayers and deliver, but if we are ready and wait patiently, God always delivers on His promises. Just imagine how happy you’ll be when God delivers His promises in your life!


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