The Rain Kept on Falling

By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to the place which he would receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going. By faith he dwelt in the land of promise as in a foreign country, dwelling in tents with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise; 10 for he waited for the city which has foundations, whose builder and maker is God. 

Hebrews 11:8-10

The Rain Kept on Falling

By Michael Orr

It started to rain, beating down on my shelter I had built for myself when times got bad,

And I cried out to God to protect my interests, so nothing was lost from the things that I had.

But the rain kept on falling until I was driven to wave in frustration as I longed for the sun,

O Lord won’t you listen and keep it from raining? For my shelter is failing and I am undone.

The rain found the cracks I had left in my ceiling from the places where I had neglected belief,

And the dripping and pouring from my indecision kept pelting my head with no sign of relief,

So I tried to repair all the things that had fallen as I hoped that the ceiling would last through the night,

And I wept as the things I had thought were important were scattered and broken in the midst of my fight.

Yet the rain kept on falling when repairs were all finished, and my shelter was failing in spite of my strain

And I felt that my prayers were completely unanswered when the work I was doing was all done in vain,

Then the Lord told me something that caused me such terror I scarce could believe He would say it to me,

“If you want to be safe from the storms all around you it’s time to tear down all things that you see.”

So I left that old shelter of safety and comfort that I had created and carefully wrought,

And I walked in the storm that assaulted my senses ‘til I found the great structure I desperately sought,

And on its foundation the words were emblazoned, “Built with every promise of things yet unseen,”

The view was majestic and shone with a brilliance of beauty and promise with every new scene.

I looked out at the rain that continued to follow, but I now knew my safety was all but assured,

For the faith I’d been missing in the things that were promised would keep me contented, strong, and secured,

So now I’ve abandoned the things I once treasured for all of the things God has sealed in his love,

Let the rain keep on falling for whatever may happen, my treasures are all waiting in my shelter above.


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